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Articles and some verse by Clive Williams have been published in various magazines, his poems and the play "In Paradisum" are available here for your amusement or otherwise and his book reading log may help you decide which book to read next. All paintings and artwork also by Clive Williams.
Egypt 2024
Picture Gallery Images taken on a Nile cruise and in Cairo in 2024. More will be added.
Feb 2025
Book Reading Log Books read since 2008, some wonderful, some flops - just my opinion and recommendations.
Said the River 2017
An Anthology A beautiful book of paintings, poetry and prose, the work of Clive Williams. Published in hardback A4 size, it contains 40 high gloss pages in full colour. Available from
Imagine 2016
Prose Verse Verse inspired by the childlike thrill I still get each time the first snowflakes appear and how the world goes on offering more and more. Copyright
Article 2015
Göta Canal A four page article published in The blue Line inspired by journey from Stockholm to Goteborg in my yacht "Talisman."Please let me know if you enjoy it but please read copyright restrictions. Copyright
Stones 2015
Prose verse Inspired by a pebble I picked up last year in the Peak District - and still have it.
Fado in Porto 2014
Verse and painting Verse inspired during a holiday in Porto Portugal, Autumn 2014. Copyright
Article 2014
Baltic Images A four page article in the form of vignettes from a three month cruise in the Baltic.
Please let me know if you enjoy it but please read copyright restrictions.
Sailing Blog 2013, 2014 and 2015
Talisman in the Baltic An account with photo albums of sailing to the Baltic in our Swedish yacht "Talisman." The people, places and incidents and my thoughts.
On Upper Meadow 2013
Verse and drawing Verse inspired while I watched horses grazing on the meadow above my home. Copyright
A Sonnet 2012
A Sonnet Written in response to my feelings about the things that are important in life. Copyright
The Osprey 2011
Verse and painting Reflections of life and beauty from Summer 2011 . Copyright
Above a Sussex Beach 2010
Verse and painting An interpretation in verse and paint of a day painting at Littlehampton during September 2010. Copyright
On Bradnor Hill 2009
Verse and painting An interpretation in verse and paint of a day painting on Bradnor Hill near the Welsh hills during September 2009.
Sailing to Lymington 2008
An amusing lymeric Written for a competition at a sailing dinner in September 2008. Copyright
Article 2009
"In Paradisum" A full length play in five acts set
in an ex French colony in Indo China at a monastery
high in the mountains. Please let me know if you enjoy it but please read copyright restrictions.
Article 2008
A Slot in the Rocks An article describing Ster Wenn, a secret French harbour.
Article 2007
Remembrance of Things Past An article telling of the rediscovered sense of adventure on Brownsea
Island, Poole.
Article 2006
A Naturalist Afloat An article based on a photographic study of wild life in Brittany.
Year 2005
The Artist Afloat A commentary on painting and drawing while travelling afloat. ( This article removed to make space, available by email)
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